Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Random Pictures

Pawpaw, Gavin, Mamaw and Warren at Phishheads

Playing with his toys

Just for Tia Trish:)

He LOVES bath time but hates being taken out of the tub - this is the face I get while putting on his pj's (sad but cute)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

9 Weeks

We survived our shots last Thursday. My mom held Warren while they did it - I was too chicken, so Thanks Mom!! He measured 23.5 inches (top 75% range) and weighed 14.2 lbs (top 95% range). I weighed him again today and only a week later, he weighs 15.2 lbs! So it looks like I'll be cleaning out his closet once again:)

"I have found my hands!"

Warren has found his hands and he loves them! I think he's trying to suck his thumb but ends up with his whole fist in his mouth.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

8 Weeks Old

Warren was 8 weeks old as of yesterday. I weighed him and he was exactly 14 pounds! We have a pediatrician appointment on Thursday where he has to get his first set of shots, so wish us luck.

My Three Favorite Boys

Rex is home again! He ate a can of dog food, walked down to the barn with John, went for a swim in the pond, then went to Mamaw & Papa's for a visit - all within the first hour of being home. I'd said he's feeling pretty good.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Update on Rex

Rex got to come home Thursday afternoon, only to be taken back to the vet Friday morning. He wouldn't eat or take his medicine and he threw up several times. I spoke to the vet's office this morning and they said he is stable. He is still not eating but he stop throwing up. So they were going to keep him over the weekend and I'm suppose to call on Monday and see where we go from there:(

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our Hero

We had a big scare out the farm Tuesday. I stepped out into the garage to go to my car and saw Rex sleeping at the edge of the concrete. About four feet from him was a rattle snake (which also was positioned right in front of my car). I tried to quietly call to Rex to get him in the house. He woke up, looked at me, and started for the door. At the same time the snake started to rattle, which Rex being the extremely protective dog that he is, decided to attack the snake. Unfortunately, the rattle snake struck him in the face. Luckily, my dad was near by and came over and shot the snake. John was almost home when all this took place, so he and my dad rushed Rex to the vet. John said Rex did really well the whole way there, but once inside, his face swelled up to the size of a basketball and he had a seizure. They immediately gave him anti-venom and pain killers.

He had to stay overnight and I went by to see him yesterday morning. I knew he wasn't going to look good but I had no idea how bad. His head was huge, his eyes were swollen shut, and his gums were black from the venom and bruising. He still was his usual sweet self - wagged his tail when he heard me. Fortunately, one of our family friends works there and she and the vet came in to make me feel better about the situation. They said he's out of the woods but has a long recovery process ahead of him.

I didn't take any pictures of him because it was just too sad. Maybe once he comes home in a few days and the swelling goes down, I'll take some. So for now here's what our sweet Mr. Rex normally looks like.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Chunky Monkey!

So in his defense, he was sitting scrunched up on my lap for these pictures. Today he is exactly 7 weeks old and a little over 13 pounds! I've already had to go through his closet and take out clothes that are too small for him.

I remember the night he was born and at his first feeding, the nurse called him an "aggressive eater". I believe this statement is still true:) Actually, I consider myself to be very lucky to have a baby that has no problems with eating. I went to a mom's group the other day and hearing some of their horror stories about feeding makes me grateful for my Chunky Monkey!!

Tummy Time

Here's Warren working on his tummy time. He does really well holding his head and neck up when your holding him. But he doesn't care too much for it when starting from the ground. Just like the carseat - we will conquer this too:)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hunting Season Has Started....

Deer Beware!!