Friday, November 21, 2008

Big Boy!

Warren was three months on Tuesday. He weiged 17 lbs and measured almost 25 inches! And from the top picture, you can tell he still loves his hands:)

Old Gator with New Gators

Meeting Santa!!

On the advise of Wrenda, I took Warren to meet Santa early and avoid the long lines. I am so glad we did. We didn't have to wait at all and they were able to take several pictures until we were happy. Wrenda was having her ultrasound that day, so Trish was babysitting Gavin. We came up with the idea of having their picture taken together. Trish had already bought Warren overalls when I was still pregnant and she found some for Gavin the day before we went.
Gavin did such a great job and told Santa he wanted a four wheeler for Christmas! And surprisingly Warren did such a great job too - I was going to be happy as long as he didn't cry but he actually smiled! I was so happy about it, I thought I was going to cry:)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Random Pictures

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Fair

We had a great time at the fair this year. Of course how can you not while eating corndogs, fried potato chips with nacho cheese, and funnel cakes! We walked around and got to see (and smell) all the animals. John also got to see his dream tractor and talk to Warren about it:)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The many faces of Warren....

Warren was being such a ham yesterday! He was in a silly mood and I couldn't pass up the photo opportunity:)

Mural Project

I found this mural online when I was pregnant but obviously couldn't paint it then. So I decided to take this project on this week when John was out of town (what was I thinking:) With the help of Warren's nap times, staying up late, and family members, I was able to finish it yesterday. The top picture is my cousin Cilla, who did all the prep work for me - measuring, hanging up carbon paper and hanging up the pattern. So in other words - she did all the hard work and I got to do all the fun work of tracing and painting. Thanks Cill!
I'm really happy with the way it turned out. It matches his room perfectly and was actually alot of fun to do. Now I just need to find another new project:)

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's a bird, It's a plane, - No, it's Super Warren!

This is our caravan making it's way down Main Street.

Gavin pushing Aunt Trish:)

We went to downtown Alachua for their Fall Festival on Friday night. We started at the church Holly attends and then moved to Main Street. Her church has alot of great games and activities for all the kids - and of course candy:) At the end of the night we headed to Kazbor's for dinner then home. Needless to say, Warren was exhausted by the end of it all but I think he had fun!

Meeting Mason

My mom and I drove up to Monticello on Thursday to meet Mason and hang out with Kate and her mom. He is a cutie! I couldn't get over how huge Warren looked next to him. Both the boys were in a good mood so it gave us girls some time to compare birthing stories:)