Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wild Man!

Here's a clip of Warren enjoying his favorite toy:

Ramblings for the week....

Macie now has four teeth! Therefore she likes to chew on everything. Usually my shoulders are covered in drool and I make sure to always have some sort of teething toy in my purse. She definitely seems like she wants to get up and move, but just hasn't figured out how yet. She sees Warren getting into everything and can't wait to do the same! She still isn't sleeping well at night, but Warren never did either. She's a good baby during the day, so we'll be happy with that for now:)

Warren is doing great in preschool! His Aunt Amy takes him on Tuesdays and I think this may have helped with him feeling better about going. He brings home lots of art projects, which I proudly display on my refrigerator!

Some fun stories:

They both took two hours naps at the same time yesterday (a first), so I decided to tackle our disaster of a bonus room. At one point this was John's man cave where there was a ping pong table and where he would reload shot gun shells. Now it's a dumping ground for all our stuff. I first decided to vacuum. Apparently vacuuming where John use to load shells was not a smart idea. The vacuum ended up "shooting" at me. It sounded like a real gun! My ears were ringing and the room smelled like gun powder. So after I checked to make sure I wasn't shot, I ran downstairs to call John to say we probably needed a new vacuum!

A couple weeks ago I took Warren into Lowe's because I needed to return something. He likes to ride in the race car carts but since I was just returning something, I didn't let him. So needless to say, he was not happy while waiting in line. The cashier (who truly thought she was being helpful) gave him a small hammer to play with. I'm not sure why she thought giving a two year old a metal hammer was a great idea? She even told him he could keep it - great, thanks! So as we walked out into the parking lot, he tried to hit the bumpers of cars with it. Once in my car, I decided to take it away (I could see a new car window in my future otherwise). And of course he threw an absolute fit. So thank cashier at Lowes - maybe a nice pair of Elmo gardening gloves next time we come??

John watched both kids by himself for the first time this week. The girls went out to dinner Monday night, so the boys had to watch the kids! I came home to find both kids doing great. I also came home to a broken house phone and Macie's clothing, changing pad and towels on the floor covered in pooh. Right after I left, Macie decided to have a huge diaper while John was holding her and talking on the phone. He was so disgusted about his arm being covered in pooh, that he dropped the phone and broke it:) So I made a trip to WalMart this morning to buy a new phone. Can't wait till the next Girls Night Out:)

Model Family:)

We got to be Wrenda's model family last weekend for some photos. I don't think John and I will be quitting our day jobs anytime soon:) I do love the picture of John and Warren together - what a couple of sweet and handsome boys I have!!

To see some more of Wrenda's great photos check out her website and blog:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Warren 2 year and Macie's 6 month photos

Here are a few more pictures off the CD Wrenda made for us. I really have no idea how I'm going to choose which pictures and what size to get. I think I'll order all of them in poster size:)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cute as can be!!

Here's one of the pictures from this morning's photo shoot. More to come later!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

6 month & 2 year photos

More pictures to come, but here's a start. Macie turned 6 months old on Sunday! She had her doctor's appointment on Tuesday where she weighed almost 16 lbs (50% percentile) and 26 inches (75% percentile). While we were sitting in the waiting room, she looked up and smiled at me, and I thought "Oh my gosh, she has something in her mouth!". So I swipe the top of her mouth only to find it was a tooth! I've been checking her bottom gums almost everyday because that's usually where the first tooth comes in at, then the top middle ones. But Macie's first tooth is on the top and to the left side. The right side has also cut through now too. Dr Mas says she likes a little baby vampire:) You can see the whites of the bottom teeth about to cut through soon. So she's cutting several teeth at one time, got her shots, and also has her first cold:( Needless to say the past few days have been a little trying for the both of us, but she seems to be feeling much better today.
Speaking of things getting better, Warren did much better at preschool today. Still some tears, but not as many. Plus he didn't cry when I picked him up. He even took the time to stop and tell his teachers bye! They made bracelets out of fruit loops and school bus sun glasses. I bought him some Mickey Mouse underwear today in hopes that the potty training will go a little quicker. He seems to like them and got mad when I put a diaper on him for nap time. So keeping my fingers crossed that this will help.
Macie hasn't been sleeping too well at night. She still gets up around 4 or 5 times. I still have her in the crib wedge, so after talking with Dr Mas, I decided to take it out. Much better! She really just likes sleeping on her stomach. She still woke up several times, but was able to put her self back to sleep. When I had her in the wedge, she would wake up, try to turn over, couldn't, then would get made and scream until I came and nursed her back to sleep.
Wrenda will be taking more pictures of Saturday, so can't wait to see how cute they turn out!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Macie being Macie

Nothing too crazy or exciting - I just like to have some random videos every now and then:)

Come on hunting season!

What a proud day in the MacLaren house! Warren found his daddy's deer call(er) - not sure what you call it - and figured out how to use it. Maybe now Warren can start accompanying John on his hunting trips:)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First day of School!

Still a little sleepy but ready to go to school!
Getting escorted through the parking lot by two lovely ladies:)
Jumping right into the fun!

Warren started preschool this past Tuesday! He will go on Tuesdays and Thursday from 9 to 12. When we arrived he went right into his classroom and didn't even bother to tell me good bye. They have the parents stay out in the hallway - I think this helps prevent long goodbyes. So I tried to take a picture from there of my little man going to school for the first time (sniff, sniff). When I picked him up, he was on the playground and seemed to be doing ok. But when he saw me he started crying. His teacher said it's because they remember "Oh, that's right, you left me here". So we got in the car, had some lunch and everything was back to normal.

Later that evening, we took Macie for a wagon ride. At one point Warren was sitting in the wagon with her and said "May may, hand" and took and held her hand. He then said "mommy, hand" and took my hand. So we all three went down the driveway holding hands. I guess he learned this at school. I wish I could be a fly on the wall and see what they're doing:)

Now on to day 2 - not so great:( When we pulled into the parking lot, he was really excited. And even walking up to his classroom he was still excited. But when he walked in and I stepped back, that's went things went south very fast! Plus it didn't help that there were about three other kids already in the classroom having meltdowns as well. But his teacher Ms. Marlie just took him and closed the door (which I know that is what is best). So I made the mistake of looking through the little window to check on him. He was still pretty upset and calling for me. So of course then I start getting teary eyed in the hallway. I find it humours that I was surrounded by 2 to 4 years olds who were able to compose themselves better than I could:)
So we left, and returned promptly at noon. Same thing - he seemed to be doing ok until he saw me. Ms. Marlie said he was a little weeping off and on but considering it was only the second day, he was doing fine. I was excited to see some of the fun stuff he had been working on. He had a picture with some stamps done in red ink and a cool hat decorated in fall leaves. He tried sharing his hat with Macie:)

So wish us luck for the weeks to come! I'm sure he'll eventually come to love it and be excited on the days he gets to go:)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sitting up!

Macie got to try out her cover for the first time on a highchair at Moe's, then a shopping cart at Lowes on Friday. She did really well in the highchair and kind slid to the sides in the cart. But I think she liked being able to sit up and see everything.
I can't believe how much hair she has lost:( She was born with more hair than Warren was, but he never really lost his. It also seems like the new hair coming in may be lighter (blond even). Who knows, it seems like they change so much, so fast, that I have no idea what she'll look like in another six months:)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Veggie Time:)

Macie tried sweet potatoes for the first time yesterday. She didn't seem to care for them too much at first. But we tried again today and she did great! She ended up eating a whole container of them! Now if we could just get her to take a bottle maybe John and I could actually have a date night:)