Monday, March 21, 2011

One Year Photos!

Here's a preview of Macie's one year photos. As always, Wrenda did a great job!!

Hanging out with Pawpaw:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


After having the privilege of being a stay at home mom for the past two and half years, I accepted a part time accounting position at a construction company in Gainesville. I wasn't looking for work, but a friend found out about the job and thought it'd be great for me - and she was right! I'm on week three and really enjoy it:) I work Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays so I get to spend four whole days with the kids.

But the best part of the job is the child care situation. Warren and Macie get to stay with their Aunt Amy and play with their cousins Sarah and Benjamin while I'm at work. And we're lucky enough that Warren still gets to go to preschool since Amy was willing to drive him in and pick him up on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

I feel extremely lucky to have a job I enjoy, still get to spend the majority of the week with my kids and most importantly - when I can't be with them, I know they're in great hands:)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Warm weather fun!

Warren told us several times this weekend that he wanted to go to the beach. So we drove down to the boat ramp that is a few miles from our house, told him that it was the beach and he had a great time:) I love the age he's at!

Happy Birthday Macie!!

Tia Trish brought the best ballons ever!
Then Aunt Wrenda had to save the ballons from the fan:)

My sweet little Macie is a whole year old now! We went for her one year checkup today - which included shots:( She is in the top 75% for height and 25% for weight (so still tall and skinny:) She is trying to walk more on her own although she does prefer an escort most of the time. And she loves to talk! Such a girl:)