The next day a group of us went fishing about 10 miles offshore. Yes, I realize going 10 miles offshore while eight months pregnant was probably not the smartest idea but I figured why not get the baby use to the lifestyle he will soon be a part of - plus doesn't the coast guard have helicopters?:)
Anyways, the boat ride out there was a little bumpy and I started not to feel so good once we stopped. Kate suggested I get in the water to help with the sickness. I was about half way in the water when she polity said maybe I should get back in the boat. So I climbed back in and then she pointed to the barracuda that was about ten feet away from the back of the boat!!!! I sat there for about 15 minutes just watching this huge barracuda circle around and surprisingly focusing on it made my sickness go away. Unfortunately, Travis was spearfishing down below so once he surfaced we were all focused on getting him (and the fish he shot) on the boat asap.
After all that excitement, we started fishing and had a blast!! It seemed like as soon as the bait hit the water we'd have a fish. Of course there were alot of shorts, but in all, we took twenty fish back to clean. A shark also managed to get on one of our lines. Luckily Travis and Steve were able to unhook him without anybody getting hurt.
That night John put on a legendary firework show for everybody. There's something so cool about fireworks over the water. The top picture is of my niece Aubrey with her sparkler. I think all the kids - little and big - had a great time!
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