Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lots and Lots of Projects

So we haven't decided on a name yet, but I've decided that I want to do a garden theme for the new nursery - flowers, butterflies, dragonflies, ladybugs, etc. I found some large paper flowers that I loved at WeeCycle, but they were a little pricey. So I'm hoping to make it down to Hobby Lobby in Ocala sometime soon, in hopes that they have something similar (and cheaper). I did however find this butterfly at the Bell's outlet in High Springs today. It was actually in the outdoor gardening section, but I think it will fit right in with what I'm thinking.

Here's Warren's new play yard. We had planned on getting him one in about a year, but Greg and Michelle passed their's along to us - thanks guys! It does need a little work though. We have a slide and new tarp but need to get other accessories. Also, needs to be painted, have some wood replaced, bolts tighten, etc. But we have a year timeline, so I think we should be ok:)

I had John bring this old dresser home from Ocean Pond. I had seen it last time we were out there and thought it would go great in the new nursery. I had planned on sanding it, painting it black and putting ladybug knobs on the drawers. Unfortunately, once we got it home and emptied out the drawers (I won't go into detail about all the disgusting things that were in there - thank you mom for taking care of that for me!), we found that the drawers won't open very easily. This is a big problem, since I will need to get in there alot -especially at two o'clock in the morning looking for a clean diaper:) So this project has been cancelled for now.

Lastly, John bought this truck from Greg for Warren - so we're looking at about a 15 year timeline for this project and I believe it will take that long:) John knows all the details, but here are all the girl details - it's a 1980 something, baby blue exterior and interior, does have air conditioning, power locks and power windows (but none are currently working), and it does run (most of the time). I'm sure John and Warren will have a blast restoring this!

Misc Pictures

Playing in the fire truck.

Waiting for the ultrasound last weekend.

Being silly!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's a Girl!!!!

You can't really tell from the pictures but the ultrasound DVD shows a hamburger (as opposed to a hotdog - ultrasound tech's analogy, not mine:) So let the shopping begin!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fun with Gavin & Nolan

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Who's excited about Sunday?!?!?!

A huge thank you to Wrenda and Trish who got me an early baby shower gift - a 4-D ultrasound! I have an appointment this Sunday in Jacksonville to have pictures and a video made of the baby. Also, hopefully be able to find out whether it's a boy or girl! If the baby decides to be modest that day, I can go back or my regular ultrasound is scheduled for October 6th. So what is everyone guessing it will be?

Ocean Pond

Trying to get where ever he's not suppose to:)

Giving up on the door and heading for the camera!

We went out to Ocean Pond Friday night for a yummy hot dog dinner. While there, the cleaning bug apparently bit Trish, and she tackled things even John was scared of (picture above is a garbage bag that I assume some sort of rodent shredded). Luckily we only saw one skink, but heard lots of little noises - ewwwww!! So John spent the night, while we heading back home to enjoy our nice sealed, a/c, mice free houses.
When John got home later that weekend, he washed all his camping stuff in the laundry room. Monday morning I went to do some of Warren's clothes, only to find a dead skink in the washing machine! I have some serious, serious issues with snakes and skinks (Side note - I'm really starting to wonder if I need therapy for this issue. When I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep, all I can think about is snakes.) Anyways, I closed the washer and just stood there thinking "this is stupid, I can just get the skink out of the washer and do laundry, it's dead, it's not that big, etc". But I was wrong. I called Justin, who came over and got it out for me - of course he did taunt me with it a little - brothers!

Boys Gone Wild!

This is what happens when Tia Trish babysits:)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What a Boy!

I apologize for the poor quality photo - I took it with my 1980's cell phone:) And yes, Trish, I will be getting a new phone in December! Anyways, we were in Gainesville and I took Warren by Toys-R-Us to stretch his legs. I figured they probably had less germs than the mall play area:) We walked around and he checked out all sorts of toys but I could not pull him away from this jeep. He just sat in it pretending to drive. Of course, when it was time to leave he was none to trilled!