Trying to get where ever he's not suppose to:)
We went out to Ocean Pond Friday night for a yummy hot dog dinner. While there, the cleaning bug apparently bit Trish, and she tackled things even John was scared of (picture above is a garbage bag that I assume some sort of rodent shredded). Luckily we only saw one skink, but heard lots of little noises - ewwwww!! So John spent the night, while we heading back home to enjoy our nice sealed, a/c, mice free houses.
When John got home later that weekend, he washed all his camping stuff in the laundry room. Monday morning I went to do some of Warren's clothes, only to find a dead skink in the washing machine! I have some serious, serious issues with snakes and skinks (Side note - I'm really starting to wonder if I need therapy for this issue. When I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep, all I can think about is snakes.) Anyways, I closed the washer and just stood there thinking "this is stupid, I can just get the skink out of the washer and do laundry, it's dead, it's not that big, etc". But I was wrong. I called Justin, who came over and got it out for me - of course he did taunt me with it a little - brothers!
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