Monday, January 18, 2010

Misc Pics & Updates

So anytime I try to take a picture, Warren wants to play with the camera. Then he starts to cry if I don't give it to him. Therefore I haven't be able to take any pictures, plus something is wrong with my camera and it only works half the time. I did manage to distract him with the vacuum long enough to take one. And apparently he and his daddy got ahold of my camera earlier:)
In the picture with the vacuum, he is sporting his new camo pj's. Trish actually took him to the park today in those! But in my opinion, that is acceptable wear in North Florida - if the not the standard:)
In other news, I believe John and I have actually decided on a name!! Macie Brooke!! I originally wanted the middle name to be Michelle, but just couldn't agree on a first name to go with it. But we both really have grown to like this name instead. Plus I kind of wanted to decide on a name before we got to the hospital. I can only imagine what I'd come up with after my epidural kicked in:)
I'm at 33 1/2 weeks, so we have 6 1/2 weeks left to go! She's already head down, so I'm hoping she doesn't decide to flip before then. A c-section wouldn't be the end of the world, but for purposes of recovery time with a 18 month old and newborn, I would prefer not to have one.
Warren still is not talking - well he talks, but in his own language. It's amazing how much he understands and can communicate to you in other ways though. If he wants something from the refrigerator, he goes and hangs on the door and yells. Once you open it, he either reaches for the bottom for fruit, the middle for cheese or points to the top for milk. If he wants something from the pantry, same idea. If you ask him "do you need a new diaper", he'll go and stand at his changing table if he does. When you tell him "it's time to brush our teeth", he runs to the bathroom and reaches for his toothbrush. I've even started doing flashcards with him, where I lay about four of them out at a time and ask him where each thing is and he points. We're up to about twenty cards that he knows now. I figure he'll start talking when he's ready.
Lastly, I had a great 29th birthday thanks to my wonderful friends and family! The girls (me, Wrenda, Holly and Tifani) went to the Great Outdoors for dinner and the boys stayed home and watched the kids. Best present ever:) Plus, the girls were very sweet and got me baby presents as well. Macie is well on her way to having an amazing wardrobe!