Friday, July 30, 2010

Pictures from my phone

Smart girl - steal his toys while he's sleeping!
All Smiles!!
Daddy & Macie
Warren giving Macie a piggy back ride:)
He sure does love his MaeMae:)

Couple of stories from this week - I try to do flashcards with Warren but I'm not sure if he really ever likes doing them or pays much attention to me. The other day Macie was sitting in her bumbo and Warren put a flashcard in her face. He asked her "What's that?", to which of course she didn't reply. He then look at the card and said "Dog, MaeMae, Dog". So I guess he is listening to me after all:)
I've also been trying to work with Warren on his colors but not having to much success. I'd ask him what the color was of whatever toy he was playing with at the time. He'd answer but not always correctly. I think he was more focused on the actual toy, than it's color. This week, we were coloring and I started explaining colors with the crayons. I think it finally clicked - like "oh, this is what she's been talking about this whole time"! Because the next day I walked out in the living room and he said "Mama, green shirt" (which yes, I was wearing a green shirt)
In Macie news, she rolled from her back to stomach, then from her stomach to back! She's only done it twice but now I've got to be extra careful wherever I set her down - she's semi on the move:)
It's been so great having both of them. I'll admit, I was extremely nervous about having two, especially so close in age. But there are times that having two seems easier (not that often, but sometimes:) Warren loves to entertain Macie and bring her toys and she just watches every move he makes. And knock on wood, Warren has been so great lately. Doesn't whine about naps, brushing teeth, eating, etc. Is getting better about putting dishes and cups in the sink, putting laundry in the hamper, putting toys away (grated, I have to ask him to do all of this, but he still does it). Life is good!!


Wrenda and Justin said...

I just realized that we both posted pics from our phones... Great minds think alike!