Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve

We had a great Christmas Eve dinner at John's mom house and Warren got to spend some time with his MacLaren cousins. John's older brother and sister (and their families) also come down from North Carolina, so it's always great to visit with them!

Date Night!

John and I went out Tuesday night on our first date since January! We went to Dragonfly for some yummy sushi (and fried ice cream) then to Toys-R-Us for Warren's Christmas present. We apparently weren't the only parents that waited till the last minute to get gifts. We ended up finding a tool bench/set and a mailbox - Warren loves checking the mail with me every afternoon, so now he will have his own!

New Stroller

I was going to wait to get a double stroller once the new baby was born, but I found a really good deal on this one (plus it's red, so how could I pass it up!) The seats can flip and face either way and it came with a car seat adapter that can be put in either position. Warren had just woke up and wasn't really up for modeling it, but apparently Riley was:)

Never A Dull Moment Around Here...

The other day I noticed Warren had been quiet for more than two mintues, so I started going around the house searching for him. This is how I found him - standing on the desk looking out the window. He pulled the chair out, climbed on it, then climbed on the desk. By the look on his face, I'm sure he knew he was in trouble. I tried not to freak out or laugh in front of him. Needless to say I now keep the office door closed:)

Misc Photos

He's learned how to make the car go by himself now but he hasn't quite figured out steering. Some of the landscaping has fell victim to the blue car!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thanksgiving Photos

Hanging out at the Crews Farm

Thank goodness John shaved the beard:)

Rex and Riley "hinting" they want to go for a ride

He's such a good listener:)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

First Pony Ride

My mom and Aunt Ann took Warren and Gavin over to Carol's house to ride ponies. We're so lucky to have Carol and her gentle ponies so close. They almost seem like big dogs:) Gavin seemed to like grooming, while Warren preferred riding. Thanks to mom, Aunt Ann and Carol for providing the boys with some fun and me with some free time!!

Smiling with Santa!

Warren doesn't like wearing shoes, so I didn't push the issue this time. I was happy he was just smiling:)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What a "Little John":)

I took Warren to get his picture made with the Santa at Picture People today. I should have known not to try to do it in the afternoon, but that's the only time Santa is there. Warren didn't get his nap and was not in a "picture taking" mood at all. They took some pictures of him by himself before Santa came over - and then he proceeded to cry. The Santa was very nice and tried to talk to him, but Warren was not having it. Here's the link to the other pictures -

I did think the picture above was pretty funny - John gives me the same look when I ask him to do something he really doesn't want to:) Like Father, Like Son!!
So we left, went and played in the play area, got some food, and then tried the Santa over by Belks. Much better! We were in and out in less than five minutes and no tears! I tried to scan that picture but can't figure it out (some hopefully I can post it later).
So we spent two hours at the mall today and finally got a good picture with Santa. I'm just glad I found out this year, instead of next, when I'll have two kids:)

Monday, November 9, 2009


Warren painted his first picture for me the other day while hanging out with Gavin and Nolan. Wrenda watched all three boys and I got to go into the office and get lots of work done - and feel like a grown up again:)

Monday, November 2, 2009

What a Week!

We have been extremely fortunate so far that Warren hasn't really been sick (maybe a minor running nose here or there). That was until last week. Last Friday night he started running a fever. By Saturday morning it was up to 103.5. I took him to the doctor's office that day, where they told me it was most likely a viral infection. They did test him for swine flu, which consisted of sticking a Q-tip up both his nostrils. Luckily it was negative, but he was not happy at all about having his nose violated. They tried to give him a sticker but that was not making up for what just took place. Anyways, the doctor told me to use Motrin and Tylenol and we'd have to wait it out.
On Sunday his temperature was up to 105 and he had thrown up on me three times (for whatever reason, he only threw up when I has holding him or when he was laying next to me) I called the after hours pediatric office, where they told me just to keep waiting and follow up with my doctor on Monday. Not exactly reassuring or the news I wanted to hear, but I followed instructions. Thank goodness, this was Nurse Trish's week off, so she was here to help out and calm us down. Originally I was giving Warren his medicine ever six hours and if he was sleeping I'd give it to him once he woke up. Trish had me change to every four hours even if he was sleeping. So I set my alarm to wake up every four hours and pretty much just have to shove medicine down his throat. But it paid off - Monday morning his temperature was at least back down to 102. By Tuesday his temperature was down to 99, but now he wasn't wanting to eat or drink that much - which is extremely out of character for him.
So Wednesday we were back in the doctor's office. When Dr. Mas came in and lifted up his shirt there is was - a little rash that caused all of this - Roseola (here's a link if you're super bored and what to know more about it The rash was gone by Thursday night and so was his loss of appetite. Friday morning we were back at Sun Country and that night we were out at the Fall Festival trick or treating.
While last week was no fun at all (taking care of a sick cranky baby, cleaning up throw up from the couch, bed, etc), I'd like to point out all the things I feel so fortunate about:
- I love our doctors office. They have Saturday hours which saved me from going to an urgent care or an ER and waiting for hours. Dr Mas is amazing with Warren. She sits and plays with him for a few minutes before even trying to examine him and then sings songs (or talks about Handy Manny - one of his favorites) during the examination. I never feel rushed and she always asks about how my pregnancy is going.
- I went to a Child's Art Auction Benefit with Trish Thursday night and realized how lucky we really are. All the art was done by the pediatric patients at Shands. Each piece had a sign next to it with a little story of the patient and want they want to be when they grow up. While Warren's week of being sick was scary and exhausting for us, I could not imagine being the parent of one of these children.
- How lucky are we to have our own professional nurse on call:)
- Warren got over it just in time to enjoy Halloween and now the Fair is next week!!! Look out corn dogs, fried potato chips with cheese, funnel cakes and elephant ears - the pregnant girl is coming:)

Helping Mommy

I found a great deal on a matching white crib and dresser for the new nursery. When we got it home and tried to put it together, Warren wanted to help:)

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumpkin patch in Alachua on Sunday. Warren really had no interest in the pumpkins, all he wanted to do was sit on the tractor they used for the hay rides (I blame John for this:) Warren was nice and let Avery sit on the tractor with him - I can't help but want to start singing "Take you for a ride on my big RED tractor"!
Anyways, I had to pick a pumpkin out all by myself which is now sitting in the garage. I'm hoping to carve it sometime before Halloween gets here:)

Enjoying the Weather

I usually try to take Warren outside every morning and with this great weather we've got to stay out just a little bit longer. His routine usually consists of follow the dogs down the driveway, coming back and picking some flowers and today included shoving the flowers into the dryer vent:)
I also try to be productive and pick weeds, roll up hoses, etc. Today I decided to vacuum out my car. I was amazed out how much food I vacuumed up. If I had been stranded in my car, I could have survived a week on all the teddy grahams, raisins, gold fish (and I'll call myself out - french fries and twizzlers). But for now I have a nice clean car - let's see how long it lasts:)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Country Boy

Friday, October 16, 2009

Half Way There!

Today marks exactly twenty weeks pregnant! I definitely have a beer gut showing:) We still haven't decided on a name yet, but are starting to narrow it down. I was lucky enough to be able to go to Ikea in Orlando with Trish last weekend. I bought a few more decorations for the new nursery and got to eat at the Cheesecake Factory for lunch - yummy!!

Boys will be Boys

I left to go pick up dinner the other night and this is what I came back to - John and Warren were working on Warren's truck (aka the Blue Goose). Apparently Warren somehow got covered in grease so John just stripped him down to his diaper and shoes. The pictures don't show how much dirt he was covered in. So we just ate our dinner outside and headed straight for the bath afterwards:)

Fun At Sun Country With Avery

Andrea and I have taken Warren and Avery to Sun Country the past couple of Friday mornings. They have trampolines, foam pits, rope swings, slides, etc and even snack time! We may have to check into a year pass because Warren always has such a great time!