Friday, July 30, 2010

Pictures from my phone

Smart girl - steal his toys while he's sleeping!
All Smiles!!
Daddy & Macie
Warren giving Macie a piggy back ride:)
He sure does love his MaeMae:)

Couple of stories from this week - I try to do flashcards with Warren but I'm not sure if he really ever likes doing them or pays much attention to me. The other day Macie was sitting in her bumbo and Warren put a flashcard in her face. He asked her "What's that?", to which of course she didn't reply. He then look at the card and said "Dog, MaeMae, Dog". So I guess he is listening to me after all:)
I've also been trying to work with Warren on his colors but not having to much success. I'd ask him what the color was of whatever toy he was playing with at the time. He'd answer but not always correctly. I think he was more focused on the actual toy, than it's color. This week, we were coloring and I started explaining colors with the crayons. I think it finally clicked - like "oh, this is what she's been talking about this whole time"! Because the next day I walked out in the living room and he said "Mama, green shirt" (which yes, I was wearing a green shirt)
In Macie news, she rolled from her back to stomach, then from her stomach to back! She's only done it twice but now I've got to be extra careful wherever I set her down - she's semi on the move:)
It's been so great having both of them. I'll admit, I was extremely nervous about having two, especially so close in age. But there are times that having two seems easier (not that often, but sometimes:) Warren loves to entertain Macie and bring her toys and she just watches every move he makes. And knock on wood, Warren has been so great lately. Doesn't whine about naps, brushing teeth, eating, etc. Is getting better about putting dishes and cups in the sink, putting laundry in the hamper, putting toys away (grated, I have to ask him to do all of this, but he still does it). Life is good!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hanging Out

Hanging on their tummy's
Hanging out watching cartoons
Hanging out with Great Grandma:)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Peanut Hay

John was able to get the first cutting off our perennial peanut hay this week! He got around 120 bales off of 6 acres, and lucked out (with the help of my mom and dad) by getting it under cover just before the rain came. So MacLaren Farms will now be accepting your hay orders:)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ramblings for this week....

Macie is starting to use the exersaucer for short periods of time. I think she likes the bright colors and being able to stand. She also has found her voice and loves to use it LOUDLY! With our wood floors and high ceilings, this makes for a great noise:)
Warren is progressing slowly but surely with the potty training. He has a routine of brushing his teeth then going to potty every night before he goes to bed. By the way, could he have more of a farmer's tan:)

Family Pics

Friday, July 16, 2010

Indian Pass Vacation

So many pictures I could post - here's just a few to start. We had a great time at Indian Pass this year and there was no oil! Warren loved hanging out with his buddy Mason for a whole week. Trish caught a shark (coming to Woods and Water magazine soon:) Macie went into the pool and hot tub for the first time. We watched fireworks on the beach. And most importantly, we enjoyed pina coladas and ice cream almost every night!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Four Months Old!

Time sure does fly! Macie is four months old and we celebrated by going to see Dr. Mas for shots:( Actually, Macie handled them like a champ. She weighed in at 13 lbs 12 oz (50 percentile) and measure 25.5 inches (90 percentile). Tall and skinny:) I was finally able to get her rolling over on camera and you'll also hear she has found her voice!

In Warren news, he played with a tricycle at the store a few weeks ago that he really wanted. I planned on waiting till his birthday to get it, but found one at a consignment store today and couldn't wait. When I walked in the door with it, he came running over in excitement and went to jump on it. But stopped, ran over to me, gave me a huge hug, then ran back. It was the sweetest "thank you" I've ever received!

Friday, July 2, 2010

This week's news

Big news for today - Macie rolled over for the first time!!! I was changing her diaper in the back of my car, when she decided to flip over and thus ended up mooning the mall parking lot:) Trish and I were so excited that we were jumping and cheering. So anyone passing by would see a naked baby's butt and two grown women cheering! Anyways, she did it again once I put a diaper on her and several more times since we got home (both to the left and right side).
In other news, we went swimming on Wednesday with Andrea, Avery and Dean. The pool we were at had a big slide that Andrea's nephew's were sliding down. Dean was taking Warren down the slide and would hold him up when they hit the water so his face wouldn't go in. But Warren kept wanting to go by himself like the big boys. So finally I let him, thinking just let him get it out of his system and he won't want to do it anymore. He slid down, hit the water, went under and got scooped up by Dean. When he came up, he didn't cry but had a look like "that's not what I was expecting!". He then got out of the pool, walked around a little and went right back to the slide! No hanging out in the shallow end for this little man:)

Yesterday I was cleaning the kitchen and Warren was playing on the back porch. He kept telling me "bug, bug, bug", which I replied "yes buddy, I'm sure there's bugs out there". Then I looked up to see him holding a huge beetle! It then moved it's legs and he freaked out and threw it. Riley then chased it and Warren wanted it back. So the two of them were running all over the porch trying to catch a beetle. Pretty entertaining stuff:)

"What? Grits are messy, mom!"

Teaching Macie all about tummy time

Trying to teach Warren how a camera works:)

Who needs a hat, when you have a huge flower that blocks all sunlight:)