Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bath Time

Sunday, May 23, 2010

River Fun

Travis, Kate and Mason came over Saturday and we took the boat out for Macie's first river trip. And she did great! The boys had a blast and as usual they were exhausted by the end of the day:)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Potty Training Progress

I realized today that my priorities in life have greatly changed in the past few years. Example being - Warren peed in the potty TWICE today!! I clapped, jumped, danced around, etc. A few years ago, to get me to do something like that would have taken a job promotion or a really cool vacation:)
So since I shared the progress, let me share the funny stories we had a few weeks ago: Side note: incident #1 happened on Wednesday, #3 on Friday and #2 on Sunday - all in the same week.
1) I could tell Warren needed to go potty but every time I put him on it he would say "all done". After doing this about five times, I gave up. So he went in his room to play and a few minutes later he walked out holding up his diaper. Trish walked over to get it from him and when she did she asked "why is there poo on the outside of the diaper?!". Both of us went running in his room like two hound dogs on a hunt. And there it was - a ginormous poo in his closet! Trish put Warren in the tub (since he managed to somehow get it in between his toes) and I tackled the scene of the crime with gloves, paper towels, carpet cleaner, and Febreeze. Of course before I did any of this I took a picture of it and sent it to John at work - why should he miss out on the fun:)
2) A few days after this incident, we had another - I laid Warren down for his nap and made the mistake of not putting shorts on him (since I obviously now know he can take his diaper off). I heard him playing in his crib for the longest time but never bothered to go check the video monitor - I wish I had! I finally gave up on him taking a nap and went in his room to get him. That's when I found crime scene number two (no pun intended:) He had taken his diaper off and pooed in his crib, then it would appear he played a game of soccer with it (because it was all over his feet, but none of his hands). It was Sunday so John was home this time. So I bathed Warren while John cleaned his room.
3) This incident wasn't Warren's fault but still thought it would be funny to share - Now that tax season is over with, my friend Andrea has Fridays off. So we try to meet for play dates on those days. That Friday we went to Moe's for lunch and planned on going to the park afterwards. At Moe's, Warren starting screaming and grabbing the front of his diaper. So I called the doctor's office and they told me to bring him in and they would test for a UTI. At the doctor's office they put a baggie on him, which he hated, and then waited for him to pee. Once he did, he overflowed it! When the nurse came in to take it off, Warren freaked out and jumped, which then made part of the bag spill on my foot. Of course I was wearing flip flops:( So when we left the doctor's office, Warren was running down the hall with no shorts on and I had squishy shoes!
Never a dull moment!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Little Monkey

Saturday, May 15, 2010

9 weeks

Macie is now 9 weeks old and starting to get her own little personality! She smiles and "talks" so much now. She had a dr's appointment last Wednesday where she weighed 11 lbs 4 oz and measured a little over 23 inches tall.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Family Photo

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Summer Fun

Warren is in the water portion of his sand/water table. I think he is trying to tell me he wants a pool:)

Getting so big - and cute!!!

Macie and Pawpaw

Sassy Girl

Not even close to being a teenage and already giving her daddy dirty looks:)

Pole Barn

I need to take more pictures, but I'm being lazy today and just stepped onto the back porch to take this one. So here is the completed pole barn!! And it was finished on time due to Project Manager BLS (aka Big Larry Slaymaker:) The plan is to one day enclose the middle part therefore John  and Warren will have a place to work on all their projects