Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This is why I don't cook!

I once again attempted to make dinner last night (I really should just give up at this point). I didn't notice the shopping bag on top of the toaster oven when I turned it on and of course it melted all over it! Luckily the shirts inside the bag, which were John's Father's Day presents, were not ruined. How is it that I can work part time from home, while taking care of two kids, clean the house, do the yard work, pay the bills,etc but yet can't make one simple meal without an incident?!?!

Cool Dude

Macie's 3 month photos

I seriously think I could eat her to pieces, she's so cute!!! As always, Wrenda did such a great job on the photos (we already starting coming up with ideas for her 6 month photos, which will also be around Warren's 2nd Birthday - be prepared for cuteness overload then:)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Holding her head up high!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Stroller

I bought this stroller when I was still pregnant with Macie. Technically, I don't think Macie will be ready to use it for another month or so (she needs to have a little more neck control), but I've been itching to try it out. It's a Maclaren brand and in orange & blue (Go Gators!). It also has a sun shade that I forgot to put on before taking the pictures.
 I used a single Maclaren stroller for Warren and fell in love with the brand. (Shouldn't we get these strollers for free considering our name:) And so far, the double seems to be great!
The stroller I've been using had Warren sitting in front and Macie behind, where as this one has them next to each other - which I was a little nervous about. But they seem to love it! I took Macie out to adjust the straps and Warren had a fit. He kept patting her space and saying "Maymay seat, maymay seat"! So hopefully this will continue:)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My New Gym

Meet my new gym and my new workout buddy. I tried going to the gym after Warren was born and it didn't work out at all. The drive was 35 minutes there (so 70 minutes round trip, just for a 60 minute workout) and I would run through my workout because I was too worried about Warren in the daycare. Plus the monthly fee was outrageous. So, now I've invested $7 in a DVD and already had the play mats and hand weights. I'm on day 2 and every muscle hurts - this is either a good thing because it means I'm really doing something or a bad thing because it means I'm getting old:)
In other news, Macie turned 3 months old on Saturday! She weighs around 12.5 or 13 pounds, which is about 4 to 5 pounds less than what Warren weighed at this age. It's so funny how different they have been. Warren ate non stop (at least every 2 hours, on a crazy day maybe 3), she usually does 3 on average. I had the hardest time with Warren sleeping at night (mainly because he was waking up all the time to eat), but Macie sleeps 6 to 8 hours stretches most every night. Warren was always hot therefore he mainly wore just a diaper for the first few months but Macie usually has cold feet, (which she gets from me - yea! finally a child of mine gets something from me:). Warren absolutely hated the car seat. I would try to get him to sleep, then put him in it if we needed to go somewhere. But if Macie is tired and cranky, I put her it in and she's asleep half way down the driveway.
As for today's adventures - we went over to Miss Pat's to visit and swim in the pool. Warren LOVED the pool. He was so exhausted that he took at 4 hour nap this afternoon. (Miss Pat -  we are coming over every day now:) Macie did some tummy time today and did great (another thing Warren hated). I also let Warren hold Macie for the first time today. He really liked it at first but then changed his mind. Instead of telling me "all done", he just shoved her away. So needless to say, we need to work on communication!
I'm going to try to start updating my blog more with stories. I've decided on a day when I have some free time, like when the kids are in college, I'll do their scrapbooks. And this blog will be my reference. So sorry if some of my rambling is a little crazy, but hopefully my kids will appreciate it one day:)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Can they always be like this???:)

They sure do love hanging out together! I'm sure once Macie can start playing with Warren's toys, he won't like her as much, but I'm definitely enjoying this now!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Good Memories

Macie got the absolute cutest pair of flip flops from my Aunt Annelle in the mail today. I can't wait till her feet are big enough to wear them! She also sent these pictures of me and my Uncle Jim from way back when. She said she sent the topless hot tub picture for John :) Funny Lady!! 
I wish my kids could have met my Uncle Jim. He was the type of uncle who would help get you out of trouble but also probably help you get into some of it as well:) I'm extremely grateful for all the wonderful memories I have of him!

Funny Boy

This is what happens when Warren dresses himself - camo hat and cowboy boots!! Even Macie thought it was funny:)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Misc Photos