Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve

We had a great Christmas Eve dinner at John's mom house and Warren got to spend some time with his MacLaren cousins. John's older brother and sister (and their families) also come down from North Carolina, so it's always great to visit with them!

Date Night!

John and I went out Tuesday night on our first date since January! We went to Dragonfly for some yummy sushi (and fried ice cream) then to Toys-R-Us for Warren's Christmas present. We apparently weren't the only parents that waited till the last minute to get gifts. We ended up finding a tool bench/set and a mailbox - Warren loves checking the mail with me every afternoon, so now he will have his own!

New Stroller

I was going to wait to get a double stroller once the new baby was born, but I found a really good deal on this one (plus it's red, so how could I pass it up!) The seats can flip and face either way and it came with a car seat adapter that can be put in either position. Warren had just woke up and wasn't really up for modeling it, but apparently Riley was:)

Never A Dull Moment Around Here...

The other day I noticed Warren had been quiet for more than two mintues, so I started going around the house searching for him. This is how I found him - standing on the desk looking out the window. He pulled the chair out, climbed on it, then climbed on the desk. By the look on his face, I'm sure he knew he was in trouble. I tried not to freak out or laugh in front of him. Needless to say I now keep the office door closed:)

Misc Photos

He's learned how to make the car go by himself now but he hasn't quite figured out steering. Some of the landscaping has fell victim to the blue car!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thanksgiving Photos

Hanging out at the Crews Farm

Thank goodness John shaved the beard:)

Rex and Riley "hinting" they want to go for a ride

He's such a good listener:)