Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Easter!

Warren and Macie did great with the Easter bunny - well Macie slept through it and Warren I think thought it was a dog, because we told him to just pet the bunny:) After this picture was taken, the photographer asked if I minded if they took a picture with just Macie and the Easter bunny for their display - my daughter's modeling career has already started at just 2 weeks old:)
Thank you to Don & Kathy for Macie's adorable outfit!!

Macie's First Trip to the Mall

So I decided to be brave and take Warren and Macie to the mall to meet the Easter bunny today - of course, we brought Trish along (like I'm going to go anywhere with two little ones by myself). We met the Easter bunny, ate at Chick-fil-a, and then Trish took Warren to Build-A-Bear. That is where they constructed "Fred the Fishing Alligator"! Warren later met Fred's dad:) Then it was off to home for nap time!

Being Sweet:)

Giving his May-may a hug! (we're still working on his "c's")

Pole Barn

The pole barn project has begun! Here's the beginning and hopefully in about a month we'll have photos of the finished project. It will be great to have all of John's redneck stuff confined to one area - as opposed to all over our yard:)
What's great about this project, is that the majority of the wood that will be used, came from trees on our property. My dad has a sawmill and he and John have cut the wood from trees that either fell or needed to come down.

Bath Time

Macie can't decide if she likes bath time yet or not:)

Jump Around!

Warren and his cousin Sarah, jumping on her trampoline!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Newborn Photos

So I realize I may be a bit bias, but have you ever seen such cute pictures!!!!! Wrenda did Miss Macie's newborn photos on Sunday and thank goodness for Wrenda's patience:) I had been sick the whole night before and not got much sleep and Macie just wanted to stay awake during the photo shoot (which doesn't always make for easy pictures with a newborn). But thankfully, Wrenda was able to get several cute pictures. Now I just have to restrain myself from ordering poster size photos for the house:)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Misc Macie Photos

Misc Warren Pics

We took a trip to Alachua Farm and Lumber where Warren hugged a turkey and tried on some boots:) A week or so ago, we meet Gavin and Nolan at the park. Gavin and Warren look so grown up in this picture!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Macie Brooke Cont....

Macie Brooke has Arrived!!!

I was able to be induced at the hospital Friday morning and Macie Brooke arrived at 7:34 pm, weighing 7 lbs 1 oz and measuring 19 inches. It was a great delivery and now were home getting all settled in!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hanging out with Avery

Andrea and Avery came out this morning to help us pass the time while we wait for Macie. The weather was perfect so Avery and Warren got to enjoy some fun times outside.
As for an update on Macie - I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and was 2 cm dilated. But haven't had any news since. My doctor says at the latest, if she doesn't arrive on her own, we'll induce next weekend. So we'll just keep waiting for now:)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Misc Photos