Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Teething Update

So Warren has not only cut one, but TWO, of his bottom teeth this week!! And all without that much fuss - Yea!!!

Once Again, Jumping the Gun.....

Thank you Uncle Greg and Aunt Michelle for Warren's new 4-wheeler. Jimmy, Dillan and Lauren have outgrown it, so now it's Warren's turn! It will still be a few years before he can use it, but it will be patiently waiting in the garage for him. Of course I had to get the picture of John trying to ride it:)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Picture People

We went to Picture People this morning to have family photos taken. I somehow managed to control myself and not buy all the pictures they took. Although, they did send a link to the photos in case I wanted to order more later (darn them:) And I was so grateful that both the boys did great!!

New Outdoor Fun

John built a base for the swing this Saturday. Warren was on hand to make sure the ground was level and to supervise Riley:) Now we have another great reason to go outside and enjoy the wonderful weather.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Misc Photo

Practicing yoga or learning how to crawl???

Pickle Face

We were really hungry after playing with our new friend, so we headed up to Phishheads for some food. I gave Warren my pickle (thinking he would try it and quickly spit it out), but I was wrong. He LOVED it. These pictures don't do the situation justice. He had Trish and I in tears we were laughing so hard. When it was time to leave, I took the pickle from him, which he promptly screamed and threw a fit. So I quickly gave it back to him, gathered up all our stuff, then took it away and ran for the door. So I learned two things tonight: 1) Warren likes pickles 2) Warren now knows how to throw a fit in public:)

Meeting A New (Girl) Friend

We went over to Aunt Tricia's house today to have a play date with a niece of one of her friends. She is a few months older than Warren, so she got to teach him a few things:)

Six Months!

Warren was exactly six months yesterday. Time flies when you're having fun! We got the go ahead from Dr. Mas to start veggies at his checkup yesterday. So we started with sweet potatoes. He made a funny face after each spoon full. I tried doing the silly airplane with the spoon to entice him to eat. He thought it was funny, so he started laughing. Then I laughed, then he laughed a little harder, then he gagged and threw up all the sweet potatoes. So lesson learned! Besides that, I think he did really well with the new food:)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday's Play Group

Monday, February 9, 2009

Christmas Photo

Warren with his MacLaren cousins. Needless to say, I think it was a little past his bedtime:) Thank you for the photo Kathy!!

I Love Being a Mom:)

I thought this story was too funny not to share -

I put Warren in his doorway bouncer today while I was writing a card to one of my friends congratulating her on her upcoming pregnancy. While writing, I heard Warren work on his usual daily big diaper. I smiled and kept writing because he always has an encore to go with it. And I was right - about 30 seconds later, I heard round two happen. So as I'm putting the card into the envelope (which talks about all the joys of motherhood), I look over at Warren and can't believe my eyes. He had overflown his diaper, which then went down his leg into a big puddle on the floor. As if that wasn't bad enough, he continued jumping into this new puddle! I quick grabbed him and laid him on his changing table. As I reached for the box of wipes, Warren grabbed both his feet with his hands. As I'm trying to get his onezie off, I ended up spreading the mess all down his back and shoulders. So at this point he has mess on his hands, feet, legs, butt, back and shoulders (among other cracks and crevices). I gave up and put him in the tub. I would have taken pictures but I was too busy trying not to throw up:)

Play Group

I've been very lucky to find such a great group of moms to hang out with once a week for a play date. I always forget my camera but thankfully one of the moms emailed me her pictures from last week. The bottom picture cracks me up - Warren now likes to try to roll over when you sit him on the couch. So that is what he is doing, which in turn made the little girl next to him fall over. What a gentleman!

BRRRRRRR!! It's been cold!

Getting ready to go to our playgroup.

Monday, February 2, 2009

New PJ's

Warren has begun to out grow all his 9 month size pj's, so after searching almost everywhere I finally found 12 month size with footies. He doesn't sleep with a blanket so I dress him in the kind with footies to stay warm. I would just dress him in socks but he pulls those off.
Anyways, what I found so funny about these pj's is the fact that the footies have the plastic bottoms. I guess once most babies are wearing this size, they are walking:)

Maybe Teething?

Warren has been a little fussy today and has been chewing on everything! So I'm wondering how much longer it will be before we see his first tooth.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Spending Time With Friends

Hanging out with Avery while the moms get the car ready for a big day of shopping!

Sippie Cup

We tried a sippie cup for the first time today. Warren seemed to like it more as a toy than a cup but I think he managed to drink some milk out of it.