Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What A Great Day!!!!!

Tuesday was such a great day! We first met with our mom's group for our weekly play date. Warren and I love going to these. It seems like everytime we go Warren always picks up something new - whether it be a new sound to make, sitting up better, or in the case of yesterday - ROLLING OVER!!! He actually rolled over both ways last night while playing on his mats. He was first on his stomach and rolled to his back. I wasn't expecting him to do it, so when he did it out of nowhere, I squealed and grabbed him real quick. He then proceeded to spit up on me:) So after a pj change, I put him on his back and gave him an empty juice bottle (his new favorite toy - go figure). The bottle rolled away from him and after several tries, he rolled over on his stomach and reached the bottle! After that it was close to bedtime and he started getting a little fussy, so we stopped our activities for the night. Needless to say though, I was super excited about the whole thing!

Weekend Pictures

We went up to Tallahassee for Aubrey's 3rd birthday party this weekend. It was "Dora the Explorer" themed and my brother Jeremiah dressed up as Swiper (the fox that goes around stealing things on Dora's adventures). So all the little kids were chasing him away, then John tackled him to the ground and the kids proceeded to jump on him - it was pretty entertaining:) Hopefully I'll have pictures of that to post soon!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bath Time Fun

Mini Mohawk

He always has to make sure "little Warren" didn't go anywhere - he's going to be mad at me one day for this post:)

Random Photos

Warren now likes sticking his tounge out......

and taking off his socks.....

and riding like a big boy in the grocery cart!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Having Fun With Some Toys

Watch Out Ladies!

Warren has learned how to undo his diaper:)

Spending Some Outdoor Time With Daddy

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Misc Photos

Warren and his buddy Rex

Enjoying some cereal!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A New Milestone

Warren tried rice cereal for the first time tonight! I think he ended up with more on his bib than in his mouth, but overall he did great.

Enjoying some outdoor time

Warren loves being outside and the weather has been so nice lately, so I decided to work on some landscaping. Between him playing on the exersaucer, laying on a blanket and looking at the dogs, I got quite a bit done.

Lots of Teachers

Daddy teaching Warren how to drive.....
Gavin teaching him how to jump......and Rex teaching him how to share:)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Addison Faith has Arrived!!

My best friend Alisa gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on December 30th (just in time for the tax deduction:) Addison Faith arrived after 40+ hours of labor!! She weighed 7 lbs 1 oz and measured 19 3/4 inches. They are back home and doing great. We can't wait to get up to North Carolina to see them!!

New Toy

After tying Avery's bouncing seat, Warren decided he needed one too. It took him a few days to get the hang of it but watch out now! Usual when he first gets in he only uses one leg to bounce but then remembers he has two. It's very entertaining to watch:)
And he's still improving each day with sitting up!

Still Learning How to Grab

So now that Warren has learned how to reach and grab for things, I may need to rethink some of my decorating ideas. Changing his diaper has now become very interesting since he can reach the curtains. Maybe a nice ribbon to hold them back:)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Jumping the Gun

John was in Newberry the other day and just happened to stop by Pickett's Gun Shop. They were having their annual 50% of sale and John couldn't resist buying Warren his first gun. It is a 22 cricket and is designed for teaching kids firearm safety. It has a lock that only Warren's daddy will have the key to along with other safety features. So maybe in a few years Warren will get to learn how to use it.